Sorry I’m Not Home Right Now…

…I’m walking in a spider’s web.

So, as I was getting ready to head out to a friend’s house to watch the Buckeye’s game, I looked out the window and saw what looked like cotton candy on a tree out back. So, I had to risk missing the kickoff to get these pix.

The web was about 1ft from side to side (I suck at math, so you can figure out the diameter).

The spider that made it went up to the branch above (And he blended in pretty darn well)




I was pretty happy with how they came out. Amazing that something that is just instinctive to the spider actually looks pretty beautiful, too.

Rock on spider,rock on.




  1. Btw... somehow... until now... i missed the No Doubt reference. Makes the photo even BETTER!

  2. Thanks :-) I think I'm gonna try to get up early Saturday and see if I can snap it with the morning dew on it.


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